Monday, 25 June 2007

Alan Johnston, BBC Correspondent

A very simple post today. I've added the Alan Johnston button to my blog. Having seen him on TV again tonight, I feel so distressed for what he and his family are going through. No one should be treated like this - it is totally unacceptable. Alan was doing his job and by all accounts in a very fair and unbiased way. There can be nothing to gain for those who have taken him. No glory - nothing. Alan, my thoughts are with you.


S said...

Welcome back EG, I thought you had been kidnapped too.

Mary Witzl said...

I've put a comment on the website you posted -- for what it is worth. If Alan Johnston is harmed, it really will set the Palestinian cause back. I do hope his captors realize that.

There is something particularly poignant about seeing his photograph above your soaring eagle!

eg(scotland) said...

James - thanks for the welcome back. I missed blogging recently and hope to get back to 'normal' soon.

Mary - thanks also. It just all seems so futile. I also like Alan's photo above the eagle - unintended I have to admit - but I hope uplifting.


Eryl Shields said...

Sadly Alan's captors aren't using reason but are acting on emotions that defy reason.

welcome back to blogland.

eg(scotland) said...

Eryl - you are so right. Thanks for the welcome back.


Mary Witzl said...

He has been freed -- or at least this is what they are saying on the news! Isn't that wonderful?

Eryl Shields said...

Hurrah, I've just heard he's free.

eg(scotland) said...

Mary, Eryl - thanks for stopping by when you heard the wonderful, wonderful news.